
Unconventional Podcast Marketing Strategies For Scrappy Creators & Brands

One 2-minute podcast marketing idea every weekday to help serious podcasters punch above their weight and create a ridiculously profitable show as a small but mighty solopreneur, creator, or marketing team.

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✊ Hook Stacking: A lesson from Taylor Swift on creating an ultra-catchy show

This issue is presented by: The Podcast Marketing Academy Membership 1,163 WORDS | READ TIME: 4.4 MIN Hi friends, Good songs are built around a clear, memorable hook. Great songs are built around several. And then there are songs by Taylor Swift. The master of hook writing who brings the craft to another level. Take We Are Never Getting Back Together. In the first 62 seconds, Taylor drops distinct 6 hooks. By my count, the song as a whole has 12, many of them repeating throughout. For Taylor,...

✊ You should quit your podcast

Hi friends. If you've ever wondered if you should quit your podcast. You probably should. Stay Scrappy, PS. If you have a validated product/service valued at $1k or more and a show with at least 500 dl/ep, you're likely a few strategies, tactics, and best practices away from adding $1k–$5k/mo in podcast-driven revenue. If you're interested in identifying the hidden opportunities for your show, book a free Rapid Podcast Marketing Assessment with me to explore what's possible & build out a plan...

✊ 3 dangerous myths about newsletters that keep creators stuck

This issue is presented by: The Podcast Marketing Academy Membership 936 WORDS | READ TIME: 3.5 MIN If I had to pinpoint why we as creators and business owners find email so challenging, I'd boil it down to 3 specific myths. Once internalized, these myths have a way of either intimidating us out of ever creating a newsletter in the first place, or... Convince us to create newsletters in a way we can't possibly be consistent with... which inevitably fail, reinforcing the idea that email is...

✊ How bad (or even just mediocre) first impressions kill your podcast growth

This issue is presented by: The Podcast Marketing Academy Membership 918 WORDS | READ TIME: 3.5 MIN In an ideal world, every listener's first interaction with your show would go something like this: The show gets recommended by a friend who explains exactly why this show is relevant to them. What’s more, the friend sends over a personally curated playlist of the 15 best episodes for your listener, presenting an immediate and potent dose of relevance that assures them they’re in the right...

✊ Your cover art must do these 5 things if you want to grow

This issue is presented by: The Podcast Marketing Academy Membership EARS Category: Attraction 366 WORDS | READ TIME: 2.4 MIN Happy Friday friends, Your podcast cover art might just be the most important asset of your entire show. For many potential listeners, your artwork is the first touchpoint with the show, singlehandedly forming their first impression. And every listener will encounter the art before clicking play on the first episode. Your artwork is the gatekeeper to your show. No...

✊ The missing ingredient that hobbles promising shows

This issue is presented by: The Podcast Marketing Academy Membership 418 WORDS | READ TIME: 1.6 MIN Happy Friday friends, There’s no denying that nostalgia is one of the biggest trends in media right now. From movies to TV to books to podcasting, we’re awash in content that revisits, re-examines… and often simply revels in the (typically recent) past. In podcasting, this trend is most prevalent in the TV & Film genre. Shows like The Rewatchables, The Redemption of Jar Jar Binks, How Did This...

✊ I thought YouTube was impossible for podcasters

This issue is presented by: The Podcast Marketing Academy Membership EARS Category: Exposure 366 WORDS | READ TIME: 2.4 MIN Happy Friday friends, I'll be honest. For all the hype in podcast land around YouTube over the past few years, I was skeptical. Not of the potential of YouTube. It's one of the best discovery algorithms on the planet, after all. But it was obvious that taking advantage of that algorithm wasn't going to be as easy as uploading your audio podcast and slapping an image or...

✊ Anatomy of a big idea

This issue is presented by: The Podcast Marketing Academy Membership EARS Category: Attraction686 WORDS | READ TIME: 2.6 MIN Great podcasts—the kind people resonate with, remember, and talk about—are built around big ideas. Brands have known this for ages. Patagonia. Nike. Apple. Each of these brands—and countless more—are in the business of selling ideas as much as they are selling products. In fact, it’s the idea itself that often sells the product. And the same dynamic applies to selling...

✊ What's the big idea?

This issue is presented by: The Podcast Marketing Academy Membership 686 WORDS | READ TIME: 2.6 MIN “Small minds discuss people; average minds discuss events; great minds discuss ideas.” The quote is most often attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt, but some version dates back to Socrates. Clearly, the idea behind it has staying power. It also has portability. Because beyond applying to people, the sentiment highlights an important component of designing a marketable podcast: The idea behind it....