✊ I thought YouTube was impossible for podcasters


EARS Category: Exposure​


Happy Friday friends,

I'll be honest.

For all the hype in podcast land around YouTube over the past few years, I was skeptical.

Not of the potential of YouTube.

It's one of the best discovery algorithms on the planet, after all.

But it was obvious that taking advantage of that algorithm wasn't going to be as easy as uploading your audio podcast and slapping an image or waveform on top.

It was always going to take more effort than that to tap into the potential of YouTube.

The questions then were:

  1. How much extra time, cost, and effort would it take to create a podcast that gained traction on YouTube?
  2. Would the additional discovery be worth the investment?

As I said, I was skeptical.

On the one hand, Scrappy Podcaster Jay Clouse converted his audio show, Creator Science into a video-first show on YouTube where his audience now dwarfs that of his audio-only podcast.

On the other hand... Jay invested more than $100k on video production over the course of a year before he had a video really take off... and bring his channel along with it.

My fear was that this was the bar for success for podcasting on YouTube.

But I wanted to test it for myself.

I wanted to know if a typical podcaster could create a show that worked on YouTube…

  • Without spending a fortune (or anything) on video production
  • Without doubling (or tripling) their production time
  • And that actually had a meaningful impact on their audience exposure and growth

After producing 25 video podcasts for Podcast Marketing Trends Explained, I have an answer:

The quality bar for video podcasts is high.

But it's not as high as I thought.

In fact, I believe it's attainable for almost anyone.

And after getting a bunch of questions from podcast listeners, YouTube viewers, and newsletter readers, I wanted to break down exactly how we create a high-quality video podcast that has doubled our audience with almost zero budget.

Plus in a way that only adds an additional hour or two per episode.

Check out the walkthrough here.

Have a great weekend, and as always...

Stay Scrappy,

If you’re looking for an honest, no-punches-pulled assessment of why your show isn’t growing and/or converting clients & customers, followed by a personalized step-by-step gameplan for your show, consider signing up for a deep-dive podcast audit from me.

On these audits, I spend 10-15 hours studying every aspect of your show and then put together a 1.5–2-hour video report detailing the precise issues that are stifling your growth… as well as the opportunities hiding in plain sight, waiting for you to take advantage of them.

Following the audit, we’ll meet for 90 min to discuss the findings and next steps, then I build you a hyper-actionable, step-by-step growth plan showing you exactly what to do to get moving in the right direction.

There’s currently a 4-week waitlist to get started, but if you’re interested in getting more info and saving your spot in the queue, reply with the words "Podcast Audit!" and I'll send you all the info.

​What happens when a human illustrator attempts to generate AI image prompts?​


