✊ What's with the beard?



Hi friends and happy Labour Day,

Last week, I shared a link to The Manifestoβ€”the guiding principles behind how we approach marketing at Podcast Marketing Academy.

Clearly, it hit on something, as my inbox filled up with replies from folks who both resonated with the principles as well as those asking for resources on creating their own manifesto.

But there was one email that stood out.

It was from a reader who enjoyed the manifesto... but had a particular question about one specific line.

One thing that did make me laugh was your note on how everything matters. Including your appearance! so… What is the meaning of your beard? What does your beard tell us about you?

I started writing out a quick response, before realizing:

There were actually several threads behind how I think about my appearance (and use of it online).

Some were intentional.

Some were intuitive.

And some I'd never consciously considered until right then and there.

So instead of making an epic blog post out of the question, I recorded a short video to talk through my thoughts at a bit more length.

As I mentioned in The Manifesto:

The way you choose to show up visually instantly influences how people think about you, your work, and your brand.

This is true whether or not you regularly post photos of yourself online (I don't) or record video for your podcast (I only started this year).

Much like your website or cover art, your appearance can build or undermine trust.

It can convey warmth and approachability, cool professionalism, or outright intimidation.

And, as I mentioned in the video... it can literally get people to buy from you.

After you've watched the video, I'd love for you to hit reply and let me know:

Do you intentionally think about how you present yourself visually? If so, what do you hope your appearance tells people about you.

And as a bonus, if you're willing to share any reflections on how you perceive me based on my appearance, I'm always curious :)

Enjoy the day off if you've got it.

Stay Scrappy,

If you're feeling like you're spinning your wheels when it comes to your show and are looking for an honest, no-bullshit, straight-shooting assessment, I've got 6 3 spots remaining in 2024 in my private Podcast Growth Engine program.

Here's how it works:

  1. I spend 10-15 hours auditing your show, poring over the most minute details.
  2. I then put together a 1.5–2 hour video report breaking down precisely why your show isn't growing and/or converting buyers, the specific problems that must be addressed, and my recommendations on how to fix them.
  3. We meet for 90-min to debrief, answer all your questions, and start workshopping solutions.
  4. I put together a personalized 6-week growth plan to help you solve the biggest bottleneck as quickly as possible.
  5. We meet up 1:1 every 6 weeks to strategize together, followed by a new custom growth plan from me.

If you're interested in learning more and grabbing one of the remaining spots, reply with "Growth Engine" and I'll send you over all the details.

Long-time Scrappy Podcaster (and one of the earliest PMA Members) Sam Guia recently had me on his show, Mics to Millions to talk about how podcasters can (and should) step up their email marketing game. Among other things, we discussed why email is the ultimate sales tool (and how it forms the perfect compliment to a podcast).

Check out the episode here.


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Jump into the community and let us know what you need help with... or if this issue sparked a question you'd love to discuss further!

Reply anytime, I love hearing from you!
