✊ My one big takeaway from Podcast Movement 2024



Hi friends,

Last week, I traveled to Washington DC to attend Podcast Movement.

It was my 5th time attending the event, and while I didn't have a solo talk this year, I was fortunate to be asked to speak on two different panels related to two different aspects of podcast marketing.

On top of the panels, I got to:

  • Meet up with a bunch of Scrappy Podcasters (and give out some brand new merch!)
  • Do a bunch of live micro podcast audits
  • Make a bunch of new connections
  • Hang out over overpriced beers with old friends
  • Spend time talking about all the deep stuff of life with my co-host Justin

Having attended five Podcast Movements over the past 9 years, it's been interesting to note the change in vibe, themes of discussion, and attendee makeup each year.

Yesterday, I recorded a video for the Podcast Marketing Academy community recapping the things that stood out to me from the event this year.

The big one?

A clear vibe-shift related to video's (and more specifically, YouTube's) role in podcasting.

​Check out the video for the full breakdown.

Then, once you've watched the video, hit reply and let me know your thoughts.

And, if you attended, let me know what you took away!

Stay Scrappy,

If you're feeling like you're spinning your wheels when it comes to your show and are looking for an honest, no-bullshit, straight-shooting assessment, I've got 6 3 spots remaining in 2024 in my private Podcast Growth Engine program.

Here's how it works:

  1. I spend 10-15 hours auditing your show, poring over the most minute details.
  2. I then put together a 1.5–2 hour video report breaking down precisely why your show isn't growing and/or converting buyers, the specific problems that must be addressed, and my recommendations on how to fix them.
  3. We meet for 90-min to debrief, answer all your questions, and start workshopping solutions.
  4. I put together a personalized 6-week growth plan to help you solve the biggest bottleneck as quickly as possible.
  5. We meet up 1:1 every 6 weeks to strategize together, followed by a new custom growth plan from me.

If you're interested in learning more and grabbing one of the remaining spots, reply with "Growth Engine" and I'll send you over all the details.

Long-time Scrappy Podcaster (and one of the earliest PMA Members) Sam Guia recently had me on his show, Mics to Millions to talk about how podcasters can (and should) step up their email marketing game. Among other things, we discussed why email is the ultimate sales tool (and how it forms the perfect compliment to a podcast).

Check out the episode here.


Thanks for being a PMA Member!

Jump into the community and let us know what you need help with... or if this issue sparked a question you'd love to discuss further!

Reply anytime, I love hearing from you!
