✊ A clever hack that helped this podcast rack up 200k Spotify followers



Happy Friday friends,

There's only one reason anyone listens to a podcast.

If you've been around this scrappy neck of the woods long, you already know what that reason is:

The show does some "Job" for them.

In other words, in exchange for spending their time with the show, a listener is getting some kind of tangible benefit in return.

That return might be anything from teaching them a skill to making them smarter, making them laugh to shifting their mood, putting them to sleep, fending off boredom, and countless more.

Every highly marketable show is built around a clear listener-oriented Job.

But some shows take it a step further.

Take English Learning For Curious Minds.

On the surface, it's a podcast with a clear and straightforward job: Help non-native English speakers learn the language.

Clear, desirable... but not particularly unique.

There are dozens of English learning podcasts after all.

Despite the heavy competition, however, this show has managed to grow an audience of more than 200k followers on Spotify alone.


Check out this week's roast to find out.

πŸ‘‰ Check out the roast on YouTube here.

If you're feeling brave enough to submit your own show for a roast, here's how to do it:

  1. ​Subscribe to our show, Podcast Marketing Trends Explained
  2. Leave us a review that includes your show name
  3. Wait nervously on pins and needles, hoping that we don't (or do) pick you

Have a great weekend. And as always...

Stay Scrappy,

If you're feeling like you're spinning your wheels when it comes to your show and are looking for an honest, no-bullshit, straight-shooting assessment, I've got 6 3 spots remaining in 2024 in my private Podcast Growth Engine program.

Here's how it works:

  1. I spend 10-15 hours auditing your show, poring over the most minute details.
  2. I then put together a 1.5–2 hour video report breaking down precisely why your show isn't growing and/or converting buyers, the specific problems that must be addressed, and my recommendations on how to fix them.
  3. We meet for 90-min to debrief, answer all your questions, and start workshopping solutions.
  4. I put together a personalized 6-week growth plan to help you solve the biggest bottleneck as quickly as possible.
  5. We meet up 1:1 every 6 weeks to strategize together, followed by a new custom growth plan from me.

If you're interested in learning more and grabbing one of the remaining spots, reply with "Growth Engine" and I'll send you over all the details.

Long-time Scrappy Podcaster (and one of the earliest PMA Members) Sam Guia recently had me on his show, Mics to Millions to talk about how podcasters can (and should) step up their email marketing game. Among other things, we discussed why email is the ultimate sales tool (and how it forms the perfect compliment to a podcast).

Check out the episode here.


Thanks for being a PMA Member!

Jump into the community and let us know what you need help with... or if this issue sparked a question you'd love to discuss further!

Reply anytime, I love hearing from you!


