
Scrappy Podcasting

✊ I asked my audience why they stopped listening to my podcast...

Published 16 days ago • 4 min read

This issue is presented by:
One of these 3 shows... but which?


Hi friends,

A few weeks ago I ran an experiment related to my podcast.

The goal?

Find out why people in my larger audience (primarily this newsletter) weren’t listening to the show.

I had a couple of hypotheses:

  1. Time — An hour-long show is a big ask to win over a new listener. In order to overcome that friction, the topic needs to be a significant (and perhaps urgent) priority in their life.
  2. Platform Preferences — My audience is comprised primarily of newsletter readers, not all of whom are likely to prefer podcasts for information consumption.
  3. Lack of Awareness — No matter how much you promote your show, product, or service, there will always be a significant percentage of your audience that has no idea it exists. So while I suspected this was the case, I wanted to try to find out just how many people weren’t even aware of the show.

Of course, these are pretty standard hypotheses that apply to any show and any audience.

And unsurprisingly, my experiment validated all of them.

But these were just the beginning.

Beyond these standard, expected responses, my audience offered a number of surprising, nuanced, and—in some cases—bluntly critical reasons for why they didn’t listen.

In total, 94 people offered up 263 pieces of feedback and insight into the show, our marketing of it.

And while the feedback in this case was specifically directed to our show, it says a lot about how podcast listeners engage with—and what they expect—from any show.

Which means there’s a good chance the feedback we received applies to your show as well.

In this week’s episode of Podcast Marketing Trends Explained, we break down the responses that stood out to us, what they mean, and how we (and you) might be able to address them.

Oh, and if you’re interested in setting up a survey like this for your own audience, here’s a walkthrough on how I set it up.

And if you’d like to look through the full anonymous response data from the survey, you can check it out here.


🤔 Which Show Should I Make Next?

After wrapping up Season 1 of Podcast Marketing Trends Explained, my co-host Justin, and I are looking to start a new show to help you make and market your show better.

But we need your help.

We've currently got three show concept ideas, all of which could be great shows... but we can only make one (at least for now).

Which is where you come in.

Based on the following one-sentence show descriptions, which show is most appealing to you?

  • Concept 1: Make it Big: A show where we pick a show we think has the potential to scale to 10k dl/ep and coach the host over the course of a season to see if they can get there.
  • Concept 2: Why It Works: A show where in every episode, a guest shares their favourite podcast with us and together, we break down why it works... and what you can apply to your show.
  • Concept 3: 15 Min Podcast Q&A: A show where in every episode, we tackle a podcasting question that's on everyone's minds (or submitted by a listener) and provide our honest thoughts, unconventional ideas, and hot takes on it.

So, what's it gonna be?

Oh, and if you've already voted, you can check out the live results here.

Want to get your brand, product, or show in front of 8,000+ podcast-focused creators, founders, marketers, and producers? Sponsor the Scrappy Podcasting Newsletter.

Who's up for some BBQ?

Throughout this season, Justin and I are (lovingly) roasting listener shows to help them improve the first impression they send potential listeners.

If you're feeling brave and you want to submit your show, leave us a rating and review in Apple Podcasts or Spotify that includes the name of your show.

We've got just a few slots left for this season, so make sure to get your show in for the chance to get salted, seasoned, and roasted 😈🔥🍗

Stay Scrappy,

PS. If you have a validated product/service valued at $1k or more and a show with at least 500 dl/ep, you're likely a few strategies, tactics, and best practices away from adding $1k–$5k/mo in podcast-driven revenue.

If you're interested in identifying the hidden opportunities for your show, book a free Rapid Podcast Marketing Assessment with me to explore what's possible & build out a plan to get you there.

Think podcasting is hard? When it comes to creative mediums it could definitely be worse...

Scrappy Podcasting

Jeremy Enns

One 2-minute (often unconventional) podcast marketing idea every weekday to help serious podcasters punch above their weight and create a ridiculously profitable show as a small but mighty solopreneur, creator, or marketing team.

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